NoteThis: UT Team
NoteThis: UT Team
NoteThis: UT Limited Prep
NoteThis: Angelica
NoteThis: Angelica Slams
NoteThis: Awards
NoteThis: Merry and I
NoteThis: Warm-ups
NoteThis: Eric and I
NoteThis: Bimal and I
NoteThis: Coach Jayme and Me
NoteThis: Banquet
NoteThis: Frank being birthed
NoteThis: Becky Bull
NoteThis: Becky Bull
NoteThis: Eric Long
NoteThis: Mitch Colgan
NoteThis: Cindy Sweet
NoteThis: Frank
NoteThis: Frank Napping
NoteThis: Frank Napping
NoteThis: Warm up; Pep up
NoteThis: Frank watches Warm-ups
NoteThis: Vocal Warm-ups
NoteThis: Nicole Chugs Yogurt
NoteThis: Bimal
NoteThis: Austin
NoteThis: Snowing on Day One