NoteThis: Let's Play Museum!
NoteThis: I love that stone cold tittie
NoteThis: Dali with the Watermelon
NoteThis: Forbidden Fruit
NoteThis: AMODA front door
NoteThis: Francesca
NoteThis: Harold and Mawwwd-ey
NoteThis: Houston, foul temptress
NoteThis: Portrait of the Artist as young fey
NoteThis: My sister's boyfriend's band, The Shemps
NoteThis: Mr. President
NoteThis: Snow!
NoteThis: This is so staged.
NoteThis: Evil Marty
NoteThis: Off to the bars
NoteThis: David and I
NoteThis: Happy IT Worker
NoteThis: Chimay and Pink Sweater
NoteThis: Hello
NoteThis: Put em up
NoteThis: Well, that was swell
NoteThis: Texas Trash Party!!!
NoteThis: Texas Republican
NoteThis: Texas Speech
NoteThis: Eric Cullather, Poetry Rockstar
NoteThis: Coach August at the Smokeshop
NoteThis: RollerBoy
NoteThis: Random self portrait
NoteThis: At the 30 Rock Tree