notemily: First photo of Oliver
notemily: First photo of Ramona
notemily: o.o
notemily: Oliver post-bath, wrapped in pillowcase
notemily: Hi, I'm Ramona.
notemily: drying off
notemily: loungin
notemily: Ramona stretch
notemily: Ramona upside down
notemily: Oliver chillin'
notemily: Ramona showing off her belly
notemily: in the cage
notemily: kitties from above
notemily: Ramona posing for the camera.
notemily: WHOA WUT
notemily: Ramona is such a movie star.
notemily: Oliver thinks my screen is too bright.
notemily: my attempt to take a pic of myself + kitten
notemily: sneak attack
notemily: Goodmornin