justgrimes: 0/365 -- first failed attempt at 365
justgrimes: 1/365
justgrimes: 2/365
justgrimes: 3/365
justgrimes: 4/365 - Feeling sick and out of focus
justgrimes: 5/365 - Office overload
justgrimes: 6/365 - Damn mutated Canadian candy
justgrimes: 7/365 - Pulled over by the cops
justgrimes: 8/365 - very tired
justgrimes: 9/365 - The spoils of a semi-productive day
justgrimes: 10/365 - I r tiredz
justgrimes: 11/365 - Office Meltdown
justgrimes: 12/365 - uberwhelm'd
justgrimes: 13/365 - Slightly less stressed
justgrimes: 14/365 - Busy with Obama/Clinton debate in the background
justgrimes: 15/365 - a long week
justgrimes: 16/365 - can't think of anything funny
justgrimes: 17/365 - Mista Sparkle!!!!!1!!
justgrimes: 18/365 - I need a new word for tired
justgrimes: 19/365 - The night started off well enough
justgrimes: 20/365 - I met a rabbit today
justgrimes: 21/365 - Totally last minute
justgrimes: 23/365 - Some days I glow
justgrimes: 24/365 - Now that's what I call stress eating