B. Powell: Orange Bluet Damselfly Neon
B. Powell: Halloween Pennant Dragonfly Neon
B. Powell: Editing fun while the snow flies outside. Done on iPad mini with Handy Photo app.
B. Powell: Editing fun while the snow flies outside. Done on iPad mini with Handy Photo app.
B. Powell: Editing fun while the snow flies outside. Done on iPad mini with Handy Photo app.
B. Powell: Editing fun while the snow flies outside. Done on iPad mini with Handy Photo app.
B. Powell: Scituate lighthouse B&W (HDR filter and frame done on Handy Photo). Passing time as the snow continues to pile up.
B. Powell: Chamberlin Saw Mill, Woodstock Valley Connecticut
B. Powell: Ledyard Sawmill, Ledyard Connecticut
B. Powell: Chamberlin Saw Mill, Woodstock Valley, CT B&W / HDR
B. Powell: Red Shouldered Hawk
B. Powell: Push-Ups
B. Powell: End Of A Mouse
B. Powell: Snowy Owl
B. Powell: After A Recent Storm