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Jazzy (Our Parson Jack Russell Mix) by B. Powell
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B. Powell
Jazzy and Her Shadow
B. Powell
Jazzy @ Widows Walk Golf Coarse, Scituate, MA
B. Powell
Jazzy sees Weimaraner and Weimaraner sees Jazzy
B. Powell
Jazzy chases Weimaraner
B. Powell
Stuffed Toy Lust
B. Powell
Stuffed Toy Lust
B. Powell
Stuffed Toy Lust
B. Powell
Stuffed Toy Lust
B. Powell
Stuffed Toy Lust
B. Powell
Stuffed Toy Lust
B. Powell
Jazzy loving Momma Master
B. Powell
Jazzy Girl
B. Powell
Jazzy Lovin Life @ Humarock Beach, Scituate, MA
B. Powell
B. Powell
Jazzy @ Widows Walk, Scituate MA
B. Powell
Wiped Out
B. Powell
Jazzy Poses
B. Powell
Jazzy, Lazy Saturday
B. Powell
Jazzy, Lazy Saturday
B. Powell
B. Powell
Ready For Some Sniffin @ Eames Way
B. Powell
Our Little Reindog
B. Powell
Two Large Dogs
B. Powell
Blind Sided
B. Powell
Little Dummy
B. Powell
Catching A Sniff Of Something (I didn't do it) :-)
B. Powell
The Jazz On Cloud 9
B. Powell
SnowBeard The Volenator
B. Powell
A 14 Year Old Stick Of Dynamite
B. Powell
The Court Jester On a Christmas Day Hike
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