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Wildlife Video by B. Powell
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B. Powell
Wild Turkeys (Tom chases would be lover), Nov. 2010
B. Powell
Wild Turkeys Settling "up" for the night, Nov. 2010
B. Powell
Papa Hummer
B. Powell
Male Ruby Throated Hummer
B. Powell
Female Ruby Throated Hummer Clip
B. Powell
Momma Hummer
B. Powell
Duxbury Beach Snowy Owl
B. Powell
Dragonfly Feast
B. Powell
Back Yard Visitors
B. Powell
Le Fisher King
B. Powell
Downy Woodpecker
B. Powell
Busy Night In The Back Yard
B. Powell
Fisher, Deer and a Bobcat
B. Powell
Our First Bobcat
B. Powell
Trail Cam / White Tail Deer
B. Powell
Bobcat and The Beave at Frozen Beaver Pond
B. Powell
The Lovable, Huggable Porcupine Extended Version w/ Music
B. Powell
Deer Not Watching The News
B. Powell
Three Coyotes
B. Powell
Calm Before The Storm
B. Powell
A Beaver and Pair of Wood Ducks
B. Powell
Gray Fox And Fireflies
B. Powell
River Otter
B. Powell
Bob The Cat
B. Powell
Our First Bear Encounter (W/ Audio)
B. Powell
Evening Grosbeaks
B. Powell
Bumble Bees And Dahlias, Thinking About Spring
B. Powell
Beaver, Kingfisher, Wood Ducks, Merganser
B. Powell
Porcupine Vocalizing
B. Powell
Porcupine Family Bickering
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