B. Powell: Wild Turkeys (Tom chases would be lover), Nov. 2010
B. Powell: Wild Turkeys Settling "up" for the night, Nov. 2010
B. Powell: Papa Hummer
B. Powell: Male Ruby Throated Hummer
B. Powell: Female Ruby Throated Hummer Clip
B. Powell: Momma Hummer
B. Powell: Duxbury Beach Snowy Owl
B. Powell: Dragonfly Feast
B. Powell: Back Yard Visitors
B. Powell: Le Fisher King
B. Powell: Downy Woodpecker
B. Powell: Busy Night In The Back Yard
B. Powell: Fisher, Deer and a Bobcat
B. Powell: Our First Bobcat
B. Powell: Trail Cam / White Tail Deer
B. Powell: Bobcat and The Beave at Frozen Beaver Pond
B. Powell: The Lovable, Huggable Porcupine Extended Version w/ Music
B. Powell: Deer Not Watching The News
B. Powell: Three Coyotes
B. Powell: Calm Before The Storm
B. Powell: A Beaver and Pair of Wood Ducks
B. Powell: Gray Fox And Fireflies
B. Powell: River Otter
B. Powell: Bob The Cat
B. Powell: Our First Bear Encounter (W/ Audio)
B. Powell: Evening Grosbeaks
B. Powell: Bumble Bees And Dahlias, Thinking About Spring
B. Powell: Beaver, Kingfisher, Wood Ducks, Merganser
B. Powell: Porcupine Vocalizing
B. Powell: Porcupine Family Bickering