B. Powell: An Un-Opened Flower
B. Powell: Aster With Hover fly
B. Powell: Some Kind Of Flower
B. Powell: Rudbeckia With A Colorful Visitor (Here, the bug is playing Koi :-). (Cicadellidae) (leaf hopper)
B. Powell: Rudbeckia
B. Powell: In A Bird Bath
B. Powell: In A Bird Bath
B. Powell: Spike
B. Powell: Amy's Garden At Sunrise
B. Powell: Amy's Garden At Sunrise
B. Powell: Amy's Garden At Sunrise
B. Powell: Amy's Garden At Sunrise
B. Powell: African Violet
B. Powell: Our Lonely Crocus
B. Powell: Our Lonely Crocus
B. Powell: Plantation Sunflower
B. Powell: Rudbeckia / Black Eyed Susan
B. Powell: Rudbeckia / Black Eyed Susan
B. Powell: Also Apple Blossoms
B. Powell: Apple Blossoms, Broadmoor Wildllife Sanctuary
B. Powell: Water Lily
B. Powell: Wild Flowers, Cherry Valley, New York
B. Powell: Thistle
B. Powell: Thistle
B. Powell: Tiger Lilly and Swallow Tail
B. Powell: A Lonely Crocus
B. Powell: Crocus, North Community Church, Marshfield MA
B. Powell: Crocus Flowers, North Community Church, Marshfield MA
B. Powell: Dinghy Garden Rose w/Bug
B. Powell: Dinghy Garden Rose w/Bug