B. Powell: Male Belted Kingfisher
B. Powell: Female Belted Kingfisher
B. Powell: Belted Kingfisher Female
B. Powell: First Year Eastern Phoebe
B. Powell: Eastern Phoebe
B. Powell: Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell: Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell: Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell: Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell: Great Egret
B. Powell: Kingfisher Sees Photographer, Laughs In General Direction
B. Powell: Downy Woodpecker
B. Powell: Mourning Dove (On Our Deck Rail)
B. Powell: Mourning Dove (In Natural Setting)
B. Powell: Black Capped Chickadee
B. Powell: Phoebe Parent
B. Powell: Young Gray Catbird
B. Powell: Great Blue Heron
B. Powell: Fledged Barn Swallow
B. Powell: Cedar Waxwing
B. Powell: Eastern Wood Pewee
B. Powell: American Goldfinch Male
B. Powell: Cedar Waxwing
B. Powell: Fledged Robin
B. Powell: Song Sparrow
B. Powell: Fledged Mockingbird
B. Powell: Yellow Warbler Female
B. Powell: Sea Gull Chick
B. Powell: Fledged Black Crowned Night Heron
B. Powell: Mr. Crabs Of SpongeBob Fame's Murder Caught By Local Wildlife Photographer ("Can you believe this guy?)