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Birds by B. Powell
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B. Powell
Male Belted Kingfisher
B. Powell
Female Belted Kingfisher
B. Powell
Belted Kingfisher Female
B. Powell
First Year Eastern Phoebe
B. Powell
Eastern Phoebe
B. Powell
Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell
Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell
Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell
Great and Snowy Egrets
B. Powell
Great Egret
B. Powell
Kingfisher Sees Photographer, Laughs In General Direction
B. Powell
Downy Woodpecker
B. Powell
Mourning Dove (On Our Deck Rail)
B. Powell
Mourning Dove (In Natural Setting)
B. Powell
Black Capped Chickadee
B. Powell
Phoebe Parent
B. Powell
Young Gray Catbird
B. Powell
Great Blue Heron
B. Powell
Fledged Barn Swallow
B. Powell
Cedar Waxwing
B. Powell
Eastern Wood Pewee
B. Powell
American Goldfinch Male
B. Powell
Cedar Waxwing
B. Powell
Fledged Robin
B. Powell
Song Sparrow
B. Powell
Fledged Mockingbird
B. Powell
Yellow Warbler Female
B. Powell
Sea Gull Chick
B. Powell
Fledged Black Crowned Night Heron
B. Powell
Mr. Crabs Of SpongeBob Fame's Murder Caught By Local Wildlife Photographer ("Can you believe this guy?)
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