notanyron: Saying Respects
notanyron: Gabriel and Kin
notanyron: Cow in the Road
notanyron: Mausoleul de la Mateiaș
notanyron: Sarah at the Mausoleum
notanyron: 1916-1918
notanyron: Ladies at Câmpulung
notanyron: Gabriel and Pups
notanyron: Cross at Bran
notanyron: Bran Castle Wall
notanyron: Bran Steps
notanyron: Someone is up There
notanyron: Bran Rug
notanyron: Bran Castle
notanyron: Sarah and Theron at Bran
notanyron: Bran Castle
notanyron: Double Headed Crest
notanyron: Jesus and Mary
notanyron: Joe Goes Thumbs Up
notanyron: Baby Wine
notanyron: Don't Call It a Skirt
notanyron: Hard Core
notanyron: Castle View
notanyron: Castle Courtyard
notanyron: Sarah and Theron at Bran
notanyron: Pondering at Bran
notanyron: Sun God
notanyron: Cold Mountain View
notanyron: Twilight Ladies
notanyron: Candice Loses It