notanartist: Chopped & taped! #projectbike #lovell #hipsterhandlebars
notanartist: Chopped! #projectbike #hipsterhandlebars #lovell
notanartist: Here comes the rain #gardening #productivehangover
notanartist: #mangoshake #dinertime
notanartist: Dinner of champions. #guinness #saltedcaramel #brownie
notanartist: Storm's still coming #sunset #torontoskyline
notanartist: The marks of my axe #turquoise #spraypaint #notagoodsign
notanartist: Spotted on Queen this morning... another Lovell! #lovell #beaterbike #sneakyphoto
notanartist: She's a leaner #Teela #husky #doglove
notanartist: 20150523_113842
notanartist: #newlove #projectbike #velosport #lovell
notanartist: Head size is related to university degrees, right? #newsgirls #ballhead #boxer #muscles
notanartist: Axe in action #bullseye #batl
notanartist: Slug-091138
notanartist: 66km done, & I even remembered to apply sunscreen. #welldeservedbeer #trainingride #burlington
notanartist: #dad #islandbeach #noideawhatthisposeisabout
notanartist: Step #1 - acquire sunscreen. Step #2 - remember to apply sunscreen. So far I have step 1 down... #sunbaked #itllbeanicetantomorrow
notanartist: Happy Fluevog Day! #newshoes #blueshoes #happy
notanartist: Sunscreen acquired. #peerpressure #sunscreen #youknowwhoyouare
notanartist: New hobbies #axethrowing #batl
notanartist: Another hat! Going away cake for @anntsunami #amazingcake #superstarVal
notanartist: Caroline, I feel like this needs to inspire a new flavour of burpee. #burpees #whydoidothistomyself
notanartist: Me & Civia went to the North (aka Sheppard & Yonge) today. 50km round trip with lots of climbing, took me about 3.5 hours of ride time. #bikeTO #thisisgonnahurttomorrow
notanartist: I am ready for tomorrow #rage #newwraps #GOHABSGO
notanartist: Covered in bike grease but at least now I know how long it takes me to fix a rear flat... pretty much 4x as long as a front one. #bikeTO #bikerepair #32minutes
notanartist: Family Graffiti #tagged
notanartist: The Goon will mess you up #badass #BFF #bluehair
notanartist: My bike holds many flowers. #gardening #summershere
notanartist: #bananavandals
notanartist: Highlights of cleaning out the storage locker... Found the original! #punkdays #teen90s