not much: laura's fudge shop
not much: i love things in quotation marks
not much: the fog rolling in
not much: apolcaplyptic pier
not much: A R C A D E
not much: my messy bed.
not much: daytime view from the balcony
not much: looking at pictures
not much: nighttime view from the balcony
not much: nicole at avodale-by-the-sea.
not much: here we have the 3rd floor
not much: turtle
not much: turtle
not much: "legendary" motto...
not much: see it's about parking, and it's taken from INSIDE the car...
not much: more of lucy's woodwork
not much: i kind of loved lucy.
not much: lucy water tower
not much: i loved the woodwork
not much: lucy's flowers
not much: lucy's a-hem.
not much: trust the gorton's fisherman
not much: i wanted nicole to pretend she was the ticket taker
not much: nicole and lucy
not much: just lucy
not much: the drive to AC
not much: lollipop motel
not much: lollipop doors
not much: lollipop motel
not much: park