not much: what happened here?
not much: rachel looks so pretty
not much: michelle
not much: what is that thing?
not much: matt and duncan
not much: IMG_0435.JPG
not much: sanitized for your protection
not much: T-shirts 1.88
not much: IMG_0511.JPG
not much: the groom
not much: hand towels
not much: happy hour
not much: seriously?
not much: IMG_0434.JPG
not much: robyn
not much: skeptic
not much: duncan
not much: happy hour's over
not much: in da cab
not much: dark duncan and michelle
not much: IMG_0493.JPG
not much: bus stop
not much: blue sky
not much: eyes
not much: IMG_0479.JPG
not much: car on the wall
not much: beware of limos
not much: michelle
not much: observe quietly
not much: IMG_0478.JPG