nosha: Sun
nosha: desert flower with bokeh
nosha: reach out
nosha: on the plane
nosha: diligence
nosha: Hanami
nosha: Burgher
nosha: Morning Coffee and Laptop
nosha: back
nosha: .
nosha: laughing
nosha: Dahl Bat
nosha: Color for a Black and White Day
nosha: Old, but New to Me
nosha: The Best Spot
nosha: new
nosha: Christmas Cactus
nosha: Bach II - Sarabande (and Bow Bokeh)
nosha: practice
nosha: Hope and Diligence
nosha: oh, it was supposed to be furry?
nosha: whirling dervish
nosha: field
nosha: pancake
nosha: reflect
nosha: in flight
nosha: flowers and a fifty
nosha: .
nosha: the best spot
nosha: at attention