Norway UN (New York):
Norway and Nigeria, newly elected member of the UN Security Council
Norway UN (New York):
Press Councellor Marte Kopstad as the results are beeing announced
Norway UN (New York):
UN General Assembly with the President of the General Assembly John Ashe
Norway UN (New York):
PR Geir O. Pedersen while waiting for the results
Norway UN (New York):
Counsellor Meena Syed and DPR Tine Mørch Smith
Norway UN (New York):
The ballot boxes
Norway UN (New York):
Just voted
Norway UN (New York):
PR Geir O. Pedersen with the ballot paper
Norway UN (New York):
Deputy Permanent Representative Tine Mørch Smith and Permanent Representative Geir O. Pedersen
Norway UN (New York):
Deputy Permanent Representative Tine Mørch Smith and Permanent Representative Geir O. Pedersen