Norway UN (New York): Heads of delegations
Norway UN (New York): Opening of AHLC meeting
Norway UN (New York): Mr. Eide welcomes Mr. Blair
Norway UN (New York): Eide at press stake out
Norway UN (New York): Bilateral meeting with SG Ban Ki-moon
Norway UN (New York): Handshake with the SG Ban Ki-moon
Norway UN (New York): Breakfast meeting
Norway UN (New York): Gates closed by the UN
Norway UN (New York): Norway meets Palestine
Norway UN (New York): Meeting with the American Jewish Commitee
Norway UN (New York): Meeting at the Norwegian Mission
Norway UN (New York): Obama enters the UN
Norway UN (New York): Obamas speech
Norway UN (New York): To the world and America
Norway UN (New York): Mr. Eide in the UN
Norway UN (New York): Interviews in the Rosegarden
Norway UN (New York): Opening General Debate
Norway UN (New York): Norway's Representatives
Norway UN (New York): Seats of Norway
Norway UN (New York): President of Brasil
Norway UN (New York): First woman on stage
Norway UN (New York): On top of a box
Norway UN (New York): Indonisia's Minister Marty
Norway UN (New York): Foreign Ministers
Norway UN (New York): Lobby gathering
Norway UN (New York): Lunch by the sea
Norway UN (New York): Rehersal before meeting
Norway UN (New York): Old accompaniers
Norway UN (New York): PM Stoltenberg greats Eide
Norway UN (New York): Minister interview