North Shore Community College: waving family and pups
North Shore Community College: Stephen Creamer, Miguel Morris
North Shore Community College: Santa and his helper, Joey and Faith Hocter
North Shore Community College: Nate, Stephen, Elsa
North Shore Community College: Nate and thank you sign
North Shore Community College: Nancy Barker, Joey Hocter, Nate Bryant
North Shore Community College: Lorraine Boyds dog 1
North Shore Community College: Lorraine Boyd and dog 1
North Shore Community College: Lorin Buksa's daughter
North Shore Community College: kendalle Jones pup
North Shore Community College: Josie Marichal and son
North Shore Community College: Joe Corso and grandson
North Shore Community College: Janease McCloud and Buster
North Shore Community College: Heather Mayer and son
North Shore Community College: group photo winter wonderland 12_22_20