Cycling the world: Entrance town on estuary into Cork, Ireland
Cycling the world: Remembrance - Ireland
Cycling the world: Woodland - Kerry way, Ireland
Cycling the world: Giving my brother a shave :)
Cycling the world: Cross on the Dingle peninsula, Ireland
Cycling the world: Atlantic view
Cycling the world: Sean and Chris
Cycling the world: Frothing Atlantic ocean
Cycling the world: Drombeg stone circle - South Ireland - 945 BC
Cycling the world: Abbeystrowry Cemetery (Famine) near Skibbereen. Ireland.
Cycling the world: Abbeystrowry Cemetery (Famine) near Skibbereen. Ireland.
Cycling the world: Sun rises over Kenmare bay, Ireland
Cycling the world: Cable car to Dursey Island. Beara peninsula, Ireland
Cycling the world: Makes me wonder...
Cycling the world: Sneem, Ireland
Cycling the world: Watch out for these when you drive
Cycling the world: Front room of cottage
Cycling the world: The way ahead
Cycling the world: Sheep penned
Cycling the world: Climbing the fort
Cycling the world: Rocky coastline
Cycling the world: Rocky coastline, Ireland
Cycling the world: On the kerry walk, Ireland
Cycling the world: The reward of a walk
Cycling the world: Lake, Mountain, cloud
Cycling the world: Feeding the lake