northernexposure: Great Uncle James Leslie Wilson's war grave & details, Haringhe, Belgium
northernexposure: Great Uncle James Leslie Wilson's war grave & details, Haringhe, Belgium
northernexposure: Great Uncle James Leslie Wilson's war grave & details, Haringhe, Belgium
northernexposure: Letters between Nellie Thompson & Arnold Wilson following the death of Leslie in 1918
northernexposure: Letters between Nellie Thompson & Arnold Wilson following the death of Leslie in 1918
northernexposure: Letters between Nellie Thompson & Arnold Wilson following the death of Leslie in 1918
northernexposure: Letters between Nellie Thompson & Arnold Wilson following the death of Leslie in 1918
northernexposure: Letters between Nellie Thompson & Arnold Wilson following the death of Leslie in 1918
northernexposure: Letters between Nellie Thompson & Arnold Wilson following the death of Leslie in 1918
northernexposure: Leslie & Nellie c1917
northernexposure: Photos taken in 1920 when Arnold went to find Leslie's grave in Belgium.
northernexposure: Photos taken in 1920 when Arnold went to find Leslie's grave in Belgium.
northernexposure: Arnold & Nellie
northernexposure: Arnold & Nellie
northernexposure: Arnold & Nellie
northernexposure: Nellie, Lil & Arnold
northernexposure: Ann Dunwell (nee Stead)
northernexposure: Fred & Emily Wilson (nee Dunwell) c1900
northernexposure: Arnold Wilson & Nellie
northernexposure: Arnold Wilson & Nellie Thompson
northernexposure: Arnold Wilson
northernexposure: Bank Cottage Horsforth c1907
northernexposure: Bank Cottage Horsforth
northernexposure: Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery
northernexposure: Haringhe Bandaghem Military Cemetery
northernexposure: Haringhe Bandaghem Military Cemetery
northernexposure: Haringhe Bandaghem Military Cemetery- Leslie's grave
northernexposure: Haringhe Bandaghem Military Cemetery
northernexposure: Haringhe Bandaghem Military Cemetery