*northern star°:
hello, kitty :)
*northern star°:
oink power.
*northern star°:
old memories.
*northern star°:
eatin' mr big [mac].
*northern star°:
keep my nightmares away.
*northern star°:
what's my age again?
*northern star°:
miao thoughts [aka 'what's that big black eye?'].
*northern star°:
a summer day.
*northern star°:
a sea of blood.
*northern star°:
day #3/? - wish u where here.
*northern star°:
day #8/? - fragile.
*northern star°:
day #11/? - bitten by a vampyre.
*northern star°:
day #12/? - a smurf can play basketball only as a playmaker?
*northern star°:
day #13/? - throwing my past away.
*northern star°:
day #16/? - she's not sure she like her new haircut.
*northern star°:
day #21/? - I'm my worst enemy.
*northern star°:
day # 32/? - ice age is coming.
*northern star°:
day #42/? - one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small.
*northern star°:
day #48/? - I lost my head for you.
*northern star°:
day #49/? - Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
*northern star°:
day #50/? - people always leave.
*northern star°:
day #53/? - he that is not jealous is not in love.
*northern star°:
day #55/? - orange reflection.
*northern star°:
day #60/? - 3 ♥s.
*northern star°:
day #62/? - colourize my day.
*northern star°:
day #66/? - not everything has a meaning.
*northern star°:
day #67/? - the best cure for insomnia is a monday morning.
*northern star°:
stars in bokeh.
*northern star°:
*northern star°:
nobody loves no one.