northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-Imogen Cloet installing the #MissingLiveTheatre tape
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-35
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-34
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-27
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-25
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-19
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH-15
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH- Jake Ashton-Nelson with designer Imogen Cloet
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH- Installing the Missing Live Theatre tape at Northern Stage
northernstage: Northern Stage KIT HAIGH- Imogen Cloet installing the tape
northernstage: l-r Jake Ashton-Nelson Alison Ashton Anna Robinson & Imogen Cloet Photo credit Kit Haig