Northern Pike: Commute 3 - view on black....
Northern Pike: Shy guy (Professional Panhandler)
Northern Pike: Press 'L' for lightbox
Northern Pike: Street musician... (view on black)
Northern Pike: Lighthouse Mission
Northern Pike: Commute 4
Northern Pike: Commute 5
Northern Pike: Commute 2
Northern Pike: Commute 1
Northern Pike: Mean Street...
Northern Pike: Not Abbey Road... (view on black)
Northern Pike: Winter through the windshield... (best viewed on black)
Northern Pike: Coolish morning...
Northern Pike: Loading Zone
Northern Pike: Hangin' on Main...
Northern Pike: Drive by...
Northern Pike: The daily run...
Northern Pike: 'vek of the day
Northern Pike: Riding Shotgun (view on black)
Northern Pike: Fight Cancer, a rear view of the cancer lady...
Northern Pike: Norman Rockwell...
Northern Pike: Del's Electric... (view on black)
Northern Pike: Fiddler
Northern Pike: Squeegee lady
Northern Pike: scooter
Northern Pike: Off Broadway
Northern Pike: Main Street
Northern Pike: The Cancer Man lives...
Northern Pike: on the avenue