northernblue109: Malta International Airport: Bedford SB/Strachan Ambulance Coach (digital representation)
northernblue109: Coras Iompair Eireann, Republic of Ireland: Leyland Leopard/ CIE Ambulance CZA 688 (digital representation)
northernblue109: St John Ambulance, Greater London: Bedford VAS/ Duple Casualty Treatment Unit (digitally-restored)
northernblue109: St John Ambulance, Surrey: Ford R1114/ Caetano Alpha Casulty Treatment Unit (fiction)
northernblue109: London Ambulance Service: Leyland Lynx Control Unit (fiction)
northernblue109: London Ambulance Service: Scania L94 Casualty Treatment Unit (fiction)
northernblue109: National Blood Transfusion Service: Bedford J2/Plaxton Blood Transfusion Unit (digitally-coloured)
northernblue109: National Blood Transfusion Service: Bedford J2/Plaxton Blood Transfusion Unit (digitally-coloured)
northernblue109: National Blood Transfusion Service: Commer Avenger/Plaxton Blood Transfusion Unit (digitally-coloured)
northernblue109: Malta Air Services: Commer Commando IV/ Park Royal '7169' (digitally coloured)
northernblue109: British Overseas Airways Corporation: Commer Commando IV/ Park Royal 'HLX 599' (digitally-coloured)
northernblue109: British Overseas Airways Corporation: Bedford OB/ Duple Vista (fiction)
northernblue109: British European Airways: Bedford OB/ Duple Vista (fiction)
northernblue109: British European Airways, Malta: Bedford A3LZ/ Harrington (fiction)
northernblue109: British European Airways: Bedford SA (digitally-coloured)
northernblue109: British European Airways: AEC Swift/Park Royal (fiction)
northernblue109: British European Airways: AEC Swift/Park Royal (fiction)
northernblue109: Brabham Racing Organisation: Commer Avenger/Plaxton Racing Car Transporter (fiction)
northernblue109: British Racing Motors: Commer Avenger/Plaxton Racing Car Transporter (fiction)
northernblue109: Dunlop Tyre Company, West Midlands: Daimler Freeline/ Duple Elizabethan (fiction)
northernblue109: Malcolm Group, Renfrewshire: Leyland Tiger Racing Car Transporter (fiction)
northernblue109: Iarnrod Eireann, Republic of Ireland: Leyland Leopard/ CIE AZO 143 (digital representation)
northernblue109: Northern General Transport: Guy Arab IV/Park Royal FT 7383 (digitally-coloured)
northernblue109: Blackpool Corporation Transport: Leyland PD2/Burlingham PW Bus (fiction)
northernblue109: Blackpool Corporation Transport: Leyland PD3A/ MCW ‘HFR 520E’ (digital representation)
northernblue109: Busways Travel Services, Tyne & Wear: Leyland PD3A/ MCW ‘CJF 69C’ (digital representation)
northernblue109: Skills Motor Services, Nottinghamshire: Bristol FS/ ECW ‘KBD 716D’ (digital representation)
northernblue109: Southern Vectis Omnibus Company, Isle of Wight: Bristol FS/ ECW ‘YDL 318’ (digital representation)
northernblue109: National Welsh NBC: Bristol MW/ ECW 'TWO 76' (digital representation)
northernblue109: Northern General NBC: Leyland PD3/Northern Counties (fiction)