Northern Cross Observatory: NCO telescope configurations
Northern Cross Observatory: Solar scope (white light)
Northern Cross Observatory: William Optics Zenithstar 105mm f/7 APO refractor
Northern Cross Observatory: William Optics Zenithstar 105mm APO
Northern Cross Observatory: 10 inch with 300 mm f/4 lens on top
Northern Cross Observatory: 10 and 4 inch in the observatory November 28 2020
Northern Cross Observatory: Northern Cross Observatory
Northern Cross Observatory: IMG_20190404_155310444_HDR
Northern Cross Observatory: Northern Cross Observatory V2.0
Northern Cross Observatory: 20180822_212222_372D
Northern Cross Observatory: The system that was used for these images
Northern Cross Observatory: Wiilliam Optics 105mm f/7 APO refractor
Northern Cross Observatory: 10 inch RC on the G11 October 28 2022