Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 46100 ‘Royal Scot’ sets back off shed at Grosmont after coaling
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Holding back the years
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: You’ll need the Royal Scot to shift this lot
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 47815 works through Grosmont
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 80136 sits inside Grosmont shed the night before being required for traffic
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Spring afternoon standard
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: A day like no other…
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Northern Lights shine bright
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Northern Lights shine bright