Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 34092 City of Wells 08.10.11
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 45212 Roy Korkey Green 08.10.11
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 957 + 41241 08.10.11 (2)
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 45212 Roy Korkey Green 08.10.11 (2)
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 5972 Olton Hall (Hogwarts Castle) 09.10.11
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 49442 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Newly restored LNWR Webb Coal Tank 58926 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Northern 333006 beside 333012 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 58926 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 58926 - Keighley 11.02.12 (2)
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Ivatt class 2 41241 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Coal Tank 58926 tnt 1704 Nunlow - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Ivatt 41241 leads 4F 43924 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 58926 - Keighley 11.02.12 (3)
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: L&YR class 27 no.957 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Coal Tank 58926 - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: Coal Tanl 58926 crosses Low Mill Lane - Keighley 11.02.12
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: LNWR Pair 58926 and 49442 - Keighley 11.02.12(2)
Andrew Jeffery's 51C Monkey Madness: 58926 - Keighley 11.02.12(4)