Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 "Rapid". + 88003 "Genesis". 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Steelworks footbridge, Hartlepool. 05.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88003 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Hartlepool 05.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88003 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Steelworks footbridge, Hartlepool 05.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88003 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Steelworks footbridge, Hartlepool. 05.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88010 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Departs Hartlepool 19.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88010 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Passing a scrapyard fire, Steelworks Footbridge Hartlepool. 12.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88010 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Passing former Steelworks Footbridge Hartlepool. 12.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68004 + 88010 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Steelworks Footbridge Hartlepool. 12.11.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68006 "Daring" + 88008 "Ariadne". 6E44 Kingmoor DRS - Seaton PS. Ex Scotrail Cat, leads past "Steeworks" Footbridge, Hartlepool. 10.09.20
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68007 tnt 88010 68001 68033 5Z17 Kingmoor-Whitemoor Yard at Rossington, 17 September 2021
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68007 tnt 88010 68001 68033 5Z17 Kingmoor-Whitemoor Yard at Rossington, Foot Crossing. 17 September 2021
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68016 + 88003 0E44 Kingmoor TMD - Seaton PS. Hartlepool 05.08.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68016 + 88003 0E44 Kingmoor TMD - Seaton PS. Hartlepool. 05.08.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68018 tnt 88003 6M60 Seaton PS - Sellafield. Passes through Seaton Carew Station 05.05.20
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68018 tnt 88003 6M60 Seaton PS - Sellafield. Passes through Seaton Carew Station. 05.05.20
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68018 tnt 88003 6M60 Seaton PS - Sellafield. Passes through, Seaton Carew Station. 05.05.20
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68033 + 88008 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Hartlepool 13.06.18
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68033 + 88008 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Departs Hartlepool 13.06.18
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68033 + 88008 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Departs Hartlepool. 13.06.18
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68033 leads 68001, 88010 and nuclear escort coaches 9506 and 9508 with 68007 bringing up the rear as 5Z17 Kingmoor-Whitemoor Yard at Rossington, 17 September 2021
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68033 leads 68001, 88010 and nuclear escort coaches 9506 and 9508 with 68007 bringing up the rear as 5Z17 Kingmoor-Whitemoor Yard. At Rossington. 17.09.21
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68034 + 88001 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton Carew. Hartlepool Bay. 1st May 2019
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68034 + 88001 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton Carew. Hartlepool 1st May 2019
Michael's North Briton Railways: 68034 + 88001 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton Carew. Hartlepool. 1st May 2019
Michael's North Briton Railways: 86018 + 88003 6E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Arrives at Tofts Farm Seaton Carew. 05.05.20
Michael's North Briton Railways: 88001 0Z91 Kingmoor TMD - Crewe TMD. Passes through Carlisle Citidal complete with new roof 22.03.18
Michael's North Briton Railways: 88001 + 68005 0E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Departs Hartlepool Station 17.10.17
Michael's North Briton Railways: 88001 + 68005 0E44 Kingmoor - Seaton PS. Departs Hartlepool Station. 17.10.17
Michael's North Briton Railways: 88001 + 68005 Hartlepool Station 17.10.17
Michael's North Briton Railways: 88001 4M27 Mossend - Daventry. Slindon 27.08.20