Photos From Lords Manor: Uncle John & Aunt Leona Cannizzaro with Sara's Cookie Tray
Photos From Lords Manor: Rob & Sara Smith's Cookie Tray
Photos From Lords Manor: finishing the tray before wrapping
Photos From Lords Manor: Nick & April's Wedding Cookie Tray
Photos From Lords Manor: Italian Wedding Tray
Photos From Lords Manor: Landon Joins in with Nana making cookies for April's wedding
Photos From Lords Manor: Landon, the pro now shows Koji the joy of decorating italian cookies
Photos From Lords Manor: Mariko,Lindsey Girl & Me Cookie Prep for May 10th
Photos From Lords Manor: It's Cookie Time - Wedding Preparation for April and Nick's Wedding
Photos From Lords Manor: Italian Wedding Tray
Photos From Lords Manor: Mom Cannizzaro
Photos From Lords Manor: biscotti DeRegina
Photos From Lords Manor: wedding cookie buffet
Photos From Lords Manor: Almond Cookie with Cherry on top#3
Photos From Lords Manor: Italian fig cookie in the making
Photos From Lords Manor: italian fig cookie in the making
Photos From Lords Manor: Cookies for the Cookbook1 021
Photos From Lords Manor: Raspberry Almond Coffee Cake
Photos From Lords Manor: Lacy Cookie with an ice cream/whipcream and chocolate
Photos From Lords Manor: Raspberry Spritz
Photos From Lords Manor: Christmas Goodies
Photos From Lords Manor: Little girl gazing at the cookies
Photos From Lords Manor: Italian Cookie tray -Late 1950's
Photos From Lords Manor: Memorial Cookie Tray for my Father
Photos From Lords Manor: Italian Memorial Tray
Photos From Lords Manor: Pink Almond Cookies