State Archives of North Carolina: NO-03-18-57-UNCatRDUEastRegNCAAChamps
State Archives of North Carolina: NO-03-24-57-CrowdScenesRDU
State Archives of North Carolina: NO-03-24-57-UNCatRDUNCAAbballChamps
State Archives of North Carolina: NO-03-24-57-UNCplayerRDU
State Archives of North Carolina: NO-03-24-57-UNCplayersRDU
State Archives of North Carolina: NO.1956 UNC Basketball Team Photo
State Archives of North Carolina: NO.33230 UNC-Duke1-22-1982 fr18
State Archives of North Carolina: NO.33230 UNC-Duke1-22-1982 fr9
State Archives of North Carolina: NO.33230 UNC-Duke1-22-1982 fr10
State Archives of North Carolina: NO.33230 UNC-Duke1-22-1982 fr12