Misanthrope_: Canada Warbler
Misanthrope_: Yellow Warbler
Misanthrope_: Blackpoll Warbler
Misanthrope_: Chuck-will's Widow
Misanthrope_: Magnolia Warbler
Misanthrope_: Chestnut-collared Congspur
Misanthrope_: Indigo Bunting
Misanthrope_: Cottonmouth
Misanthrope_: Bronzed Cowbird
Misanthrope_: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Don Dunning: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) in My Garden
Jim Stough: Snowy Egret
Misanthrope_: Aplomado Falcon
Misanthrope_: Purple Sandpiper
gseloff: Least Great (Least Sandpiper)
Misanthrope_: Savanah Sparrow
Misanthrope_: Sedge Wren
Misanthrope_: Belted Kingfisher
Misanthrope_: White-tailed Kite
Misanthrope_: Green Jay
Misanthrope_: Altamara Oriole
gseloff: And Then... (Am White Pelican)
WildImages: Alpha female of the Shrimp Lake Pack CGS_5782
Misanthrope_: Dark-eyed Junco
Misanthrope_: Horned Lark
cwnlsl: scarlet or copperhead snake