Simon Knott: looking up
Simon Knott: City Art Gallery
Simon Knott: 'The Scapegoat' (William Holman Hunt, c1855)
Simon Knott: 'The Light of the World' (William Holman Hunt, 1854)
Simon Knott: 'The Shadow of Death' (William Holman Hunt, c1872)
Simon Knott: 'Work' (Ford Madox Brown, 1865)
Simon Knott: 'Hylas and the Nymphs' (JW Waterhouse, 1896)
Simon Knott: 'When Apples Were Golden And Songs Were Sweet, But Summer Had Passed Away' (John Melhuish Strudwick, c1906)
Simon Knott: cabinet (Cottier & Co, London, c1873)
Simon Knott: Eve Tempted (John Spencer Stanhope, c1877)
Simon Knott: writing desk (William Burges and Gualbert Sanders c1866)
Simon Knott: 'Autumn Leaves' (Sir John Everett Millais, 1856)
Simon Knott: 'The Dinner Hour, Wigan' (Eyre Crowe, 1874)
Simon Knott: detail of 'Work' (Ford Madox Brown, 1865)
Simon Knott: detail of 'Work' (Ford Madox Brown, 1865)
Simon Knott: detail of 'Work' (Ford Madox Brown, 1865)
Simon Knott: detail of 'Work' (Ford Madox Brown, 1865)
Simon Knott: 'The Sirens And Ulysses' (William Etty, 1837)
Simon Knott: 'New Street, Manchester' (Harry Kingsley, 1856)
Simon Knott: 'Any Wintry Afternoon In England' (Christopher Nevinson, 1930)
Simon Knott: 'The Hireling Shepherd' (William Holman Hunt, 1851)
Simon Knott: Portrait of an Unknown model (Amedeo Modigliani, c1918)
Simon Knott: 'The White Rat' (Charles Spencerlayh, 1899)
Simon Knott: 'Osier Peeling On The Cam' (Robert Walker Macbeth, 1875)