Simon Knott: Arts Tower
Simon Knott: Cholera Monument
Simon Knott: City Hall and Town Hall
Simon Knott: Sheffield Winter Garden
Simon Knott: City Hall
Simon Knott: Town Hall
Simon Knott: Park HIll
Simon Knott: Park HIll
Simon Knott: 'you and me both mate'
Simon Knott: Royal Exchange Buildings
Simon Knott: city centre from Park Hill
Simon Knott: Town Hall from City Hall
Simon Knott: Women of Steel
Simon Knott: Women of Steel
Simon Knott: City Hall
Simon Knott: Sheffield Water Works Company
Simon Knott: site of former Castle Market
Simon Knott: The White Building
Simon Knott: Upper Chapel and St Marie's Cathedral
Simon Knott: Upper Chapel
Simon Knott: former Gaumont
Simon Knott: canal basin
Simon Knott: canal basin
Simon Knott: former synagogue
Simon Knott: hand and hammer, gear cog
Simon Knott: elephants and '1853'
Simon Knott: elephants and 'J Shortridge' and hand
Simon Knott: University of Sheffield
Simon Knott: City Hall and flag pole
Simon Knott: City Hall