Simon Knott:
stuck in the mud
Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
Prince Street
Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
Bishop Lane
Simon Knott:
St Mary Lowgate
Simon Knott:
Hepworth's Arcade
Simon Knott:
Paragon Arcade
Simon Knott:
Bob Carver's / Corporation Chambers
Simon Knott:
west doorway
Simon Knott:
Cogan House and Exchange Alley
Simon Knott:
The Spiders From Mars
Simon Knott:
Fish Street Day Schools
Simon Knott:
Hull Guildhall
Simon Knott:
Three Ships mural
Simon Knott:
former Hull Cooperative Institute
Simon Knott:
Wilberforce Monument and Hull College
Simon Knott:
St Mary Lowgate
Simon Knott:
Bishop Lane
Simon Knott:
Times Of Services
Simon Knott:
St Mary Lowgate
Simon Knott:
J Hepworth's & Son
Simon Knott:
Hull Paragon
Simon Knott:
River Hull
Simon Knott:
east bank
Simon Knott:
E Post Office R
Simon Knott:
Postmaster's Entrance
Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
Humber Dock
Simon Knott:
Humber Dock