Simon Knott: Plymouth Cathedral in the rain
Simon Knott: Plymouth Cathedral at night
Simon Knott: Plymouth Cathedral
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: St Patrick and St George (Harry Clarke Studios, c1950)
Simon Knott: St George
Simon Knott: St Patrick
Simon Knott: Jesus is taken down from the Cross
Simon Knott: confessional
Simon Knott: high altar (now Lady Chapel)
Simon Knott: looking west
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: Blessed Virgin and child
Simon Knott: William Vaughan, second Bishop of Plymouth, 1902
Simon Knott: Coronation of the Blessed Virgin (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: Annunciation (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: angels bearing shields for St Brigit and Blessed Oliver Plunkett
Simon Knott: St Francis of Assisi and St Francis de Sales
Simon Knott: St Winfrid, St Gregory, St Boniface (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: Christ flanked by St Michael and St Thomas Aquinas, with St Augustine, Melchizedek and St Charles Borromeo above, St Clare, the Last Supper and St Teresa of Avila below (Hardman & Co, 1870s)
Simon Knott: St Boniface with the stories of St Winfred, St Gregory and St Boniface (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: Sacred Heart flanked by St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist, with St Augustine of Hippo, St Charles Borromeo and St Teresa of Avila below (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: St Francis and St Aloysius
Simon Knott: from the bottom: Christ at Gethsemane, Christ is beaten and mocked, Christ is crowned with thorns, Christ carries his cross, Christ is crucified (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: from the bottom: Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, Assumption, Coronation of the Blessed Virgin (Hardman & Co)
Simon Knott: St Patrick and St George
Simon Knott: St Brigid
Simon Knott: Blessed Oliver Plunkett
Simon Knott: St Brigit and Blessed Oliver Plunkett