Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
looking east
Simon Knott:
Simon Knott:
north aisle chapel
Simon Knott:
Annunciation (AK Nicholson, 1930s)
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south doorway
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Simon Knott:
Blessed Virgin and Child (Martin Travers, 1939)
Simon Knott:
'As thouw art, so was I, And as I am so shall thow be', 1595
Simon Knott:
Richard de Beltoun, priest, c1340
Simon Knott:
Blessed Virgin and Christchild (Susan MacCarthy for Auravisions, 1999)
Simon Knott:
Blessed Virgin and Christchild (Susan MacCarthy for Auravisions, 1999)
Simon Knott:
Richard de Beltoun, priest, c1340
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St Catherine (Faithcraft, probably Laurence King, 1957)
Simon Knott:
loving memory of the Corringham men who gave their lives
Simon Knott:
east window
Simon Knott:
'in thanksgiving for our time together' (Susan MacCarthy for Auravisions, 1999)
Simon Knott:
Nativity (1860s?, fragment reset in east window)
Simon Knott:
Visitation (1860s?, fragment reset in east window)
Simon Knott:
'This school for Christian children is built on land given by a rector of Corringham and his sucessors by permission of the Archdeacon of Essex'
Simon Knott:
the angels are the reapers (AK Nicholson, 1928)
Simon Knott:
Patrol Leader, 1st Fobbing Scouts, killed by an explosion at the Shell Mex factory, 1924
Simon Knott:
reaping angel (AK Nicholson, 1928)
Simon Knott:
the angels are the reapers (AK Nicholson, 1928)