Simon Knott: the Hoxne dead
Simon Knott: lychgate
Simon Knott: The Virtues (1742)
Simon Knott: a wolf with St Edmund's head
Simon Knott: Thomas Maynard, 1742
Simon Knott: St Edmund
Simon Knott: sanctuary
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: wall painting: the Seven Deadly Sins
Simon Knott: wall painting: St Christopher and ?
Simon Knott: wall painting: comfort the dying from the Works of Mercy
Simon Knott: wall painting: visit the prisoner from the Works of Mercy
Simon Knott: wall painting: welcome the stranger from the Works of Mercy
Simon Knott: arcade and wall paintings
Simon Knott: the dead rise from their graves (Clayton & Bell)
Simon Knott: St Edmund
Simon Knott: font: headless clerics
Simon Knott: font, cover and counterweight
Simon Knott: amabimus, amamus, amavimus (1929)
Simon Knott: HMS Captain 7th Sept 1870
Simon Knott: Hoxne M U
Simon Knott: Hoxne F F
Simon Knott: Hoxne Sunday School
Simon Knott: three hunting horns
Simon Knott: 'and the sea gave up their dead' (Clayton & Bell)