Simon Knott: Tasburgh
Simon Knott: Sir William Newce and his wives (early 17th Century)
Simon Knott: Four Seasons: autumn and winter (Paul Quail, 1991)
Simon Knott: Four Seasons: spring and summer (Paul Quail, 1989)
Simon Knott: Professor Sir Malcolm Bradbury, writer
Simon Knott: Thomas Newce, 1629
Simon Knott: Elizabeth Barter, 1586
Simon Knott: font and tower entrance
Simon Knott: Charles Harvey, 1928
Simon Knott: Charity flanked by Christ healing the sick and welcoming the children (workshop? c1890)
Simon Knott: tombchest, late 16th Century
Simon Knott: the interest to be given in bread or coals to the poor of this parish the first Monday in February each year
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: Tasburgh
Simon Knott: Tasburgh
Simon Knott: Malcolm Bradbury, writer
Simon Knott: William Newce and wives
Simon Knott: William Newce
Simon Knott: resting
Simon Knott: cherub
Simon Knott: gone from sight
Simon Knott: war memorial
Simon Knott: went home
Simon Knott: cherished
Simon Knott: cherub and book
Simon Knott: covered
Simon Knott: we always remember you so fondly