Simon Knott: Woodton
Simon Knott: St Catherine (15th Century)
Simon Knott: St Margaret (15th Century)
Simon Knott: wing-eared cherub
Simon Knott: kissing cherubs
Simon Knott: Woodton
Simon Knott: Baptism of Christ, Temptation of Christ, Christ at Gethsemane (Lavers & Barraud, 1863)
Simon Knott: roundels (King & Son? 1930s)
Simon Knott: pray for the soul of Thomas Koppyng on howys soul Jesu have mercy AD MDXXXII
Simon Knott: killed in the Great War on the Menin Road
Simon Knott: died at the age of 21 years from Pneumonia contracted while on duty at the Military School of Signalling near Otley, Yorkshire
Simon Knott: killed while on service testing a new design of aeroplane at Mousehold, Norwich
Simon Knott: angel holding a pelican in her piety (Lavers & Barraud, 1863)
Simon Knott: acorns and oak leaves (15th Century)
Simon Knott: instruments of the passion (15th Century)
Simon Knott: Anne Suckling, 1650
Simon Knott: piscina
Simon Knott: chancel
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: the last of a once large and most united family
Simon Knott: Woodton awaits as Cam checks his shot
Simon Knott: Woodton