Simon Knott:
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Coke memorials
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Sir Edward Coke, 1634
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Kneelers for Dame Bridget Coke née Paston, 1598
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Sir Edward Coke, 1634
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cherub with a flaming heart, detail of memorial to Jane Coke, 1805
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Jane Coke, 1805
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Thomas Coke, 1st Earl of Leicester, 1759
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Sir Edward Coke, 1634
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Dame Bridget Coke née Paston, 1598
Simon Knott:
Sir Edward Coke, 1634
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Dame Bridget Coke née Paston, 1598
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Robert Coke, 1679
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looking east
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looking west from the chancel
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Lionel Kenelm Digby killed in action 1918
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Wenefride Coke, 1569
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three cousins, grandsons of the Hon & Rev Kenelm Henry Digby
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Robert Mowbray Tillard, 1915
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font and tower arch
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image niche
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east window and Coke mausoleum