Simon Knott: face with donkey ears
Simon Knott: face with flared nostrils and lips
Simon Knott: moon face
Simon Knott: praying man in a ruff emerging from a conch shell
Simon Knott: lion sticking out its tongue
Simon Knott: swan (pelican?) in a nest
Simon Knott: six-winged seraph holding a scroll
Simon Knott: winged beast on water?
Simon Knott: angel holding a shield
Simon Knott: contorted dragon
Simon Knott: swan (pelican?) on a nest
Simon Knott: hedgehog
Simon Knott: barley
Simon Knott: peacock
Simon Knott: dragonfly
Simon Knott: ape eating foliage
Simon Knott: cockerel
Simon Knott: snake?
Simon Knott: green man
Simon Knott: bird eating berries
Simon Knott: sow feeding piglets
Simon Knott: angel carrying a portative organ with bellows
Simon Knott: St John the Baptist ('behold the Lamb of God')
Simon Knott: man in a turban (a Saracen?)
Simon Knott: peacock