Simon Knott: Barford
Simon Knott: Barford
Simon Knott: Of such is the Kingdom, the Ascension of Christ, Mary Magdalene anoints Christ with oil (J&J King? 1890s?)
Simon Knott: roodloft stairs, royal arms, image niches
Simon Knott: image niches
Simon Knott: Barford
Simon Knott: Barford
Simon Knott: Barford (2006)
Simon Knott: Barford (2006)
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: chancel
Simon Knott: courageous, mirthful, courteous to all and abounding in charity (1902)
Simon Knott: departed this mortall lyfe on Wedensday the 30 of June Anno Domini 1613 and in the 11th yeare of his Majesties Raigne
Simon Knott: Elizabeth Sedley, 1679
Simon Knott: looking west
Simon Knott: 'for many years master of the National School in this parish
Simon Knott: sanctuary
Simon Knott: Barford
Simon Knott: looking east
Simon Knott: Suffer the children, Ascension, the woman with the alabaster box (J & J King? 1870s?)
Simon Knott: Barford