Nobby knipst:
Willsberg überlagert - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Zerkratzte Schmuddelecke - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Überraschendes Regenbogenfoto - I shot film
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Baumanriß - I shot film
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Schuppenabriß - I shot film
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Light Leak - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Something mystery - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Filmfehler - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Lucy in the sky with diamonts - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Vollmond - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Durch die Rosarote Brille - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Filmfehler - I shot film
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Telegrafendrähte - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Elefantenstatue - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Sturmschaden - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Trockendock - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Vorhölle - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Winterliche Nachmittagssonne vor meinem von Regentropfen nassen Küchenfenster - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Filmfehler Baumsimulation? - I shot film