Nobby knipst:
Unter den Linden: Promenade in Münster - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Emsauen Weg - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Neubau Bahnhof Münster: it's growing - I shot film
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Eingeparkt - I shot film
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Es war einmal... - I shot film
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Stichting Roos - I shot film
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Mal wieder etwas Sonne - I shot film
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Grüne Totale - I shot film
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Leica AF C1 - I shot film
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Zweieiige Zwillinge/ Dizygotic twins - I shot film
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Efeuwand - I shot film
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Waldweg - I shot fim
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Da lang? - Nicht wirklich - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Analog der Aa längs/ Along the river Aa - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Analog der Aa längs/ Along the river Aa - I shot film
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Doppel Dom - I shot film
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Selektion - I shot film
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Summer Morning in the City - I shot film
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Räderschwemme - I shot film
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Im Schatten/ In the heat oft the day - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Lamberti Brunnen - I shot film
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Jean-Claude Séverian - I shot film
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Mauer mit drei Schuhen - I shot film
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In dreams - I shot film
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Lonesome chair - I shot film
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Erinnerungen an den Sommer/ Remember the summer - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Lamberti - I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Münster, deine Schrotträder - I shot film
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Kategorie Münster - Grenzpfahl? I shot film
Nobby knipst:
Kloster Abbruch - nur die denkmalgeschützte Aussenfassade bleibt erhalten - I shot film