Nobby knipst: Shoppingmall IV
Nobby knipst: Shoppingmall III
Nobby knipst: Shoppingmall II
Nobby knipst: Shoppingmall I
Nobby knipst: Icecream
Nobby knipst: Jackenhochwurf - Little girls just wanna have fun!
Nobby knipst: Aufblick
Nobby knipst: Schulterblick/ The glance back
Nobby knipst: Kleine Sopran-Saxophon Spielerin/ Christmas musician
Nobby knipst: Ratlos/ Helpless
Nobby knipst: Der Maler/ The Painter
Nobby knipst: Andacht/ Prayer
Nobby knipst: Überholen/ Overtaking
Nobby knipst: Enjoying evening sun
Nobby knipst: Reading in the sun
Nobby knipst: Reaktion
Nobby knipst: Aktion
Nobby knipst: Man in the mirror
Nobby knipst: Beer to go
Nobby knipst: Coffee to sit
Nobby knipst: Ping Pong Street Match
Nobby knipst: Studentin auf dem Pier des Aasees/ Student on the pier
Nobby knipst: Angelandet/ Landed
Nobby knipst: Kurs Nord/ Nord/ Ost auf dem Aasee
Nobby knipst: Walk on the water (...nearly)
Nobby knipst: Discussion
Nobby knipst: Trainspoter
Nobby knipst: Waiting
Nobby knipst: Generation Smartphone