norarachel: Unsigned cake
norarachel: Cake, side view
norarachel: The Governor brought the bill to the signing (phew)
norarachel: Gov with Sen Monnes-Anderson & Rep Kotek
norarachel: Blurry Rocky responding to the Gov's remarks
norarachel: Kitzhaber's remarks
norarachel: Kitzhaber
norarachel: Rep Greenlick's remarks
norarachel: The bill is signed
norarachel: Post-signing applause all around
norarachel: Laura hands the Governor the icing "pen"
norarachel: Ready to sign
norarachel: Signing the cake with icing
norarachel: He took this very seriously
norarachel: Cake, signed
norarachel: Aaron, Barry
norarachel: If we keep this REAL small, no one will notice the only distinct part are the flowers over Rocky's shoulder