noralux: grinding wheat, corn and buckwheat for pancakes
noralux: pancakes!
noralux: maple syrup from the farm, blueberries picked by matt& laura
noralux: wild sorrel and wild garlic shoots from the farm
noralux: all trimmed and ready to eat
noralux: garlic shoots and sorrel with quinoa. and sorrel flowers on the table.
noralux: nyc nostalgia? black and white cake, vegan black bean chocolate cake topped with coconut
noralux: south pond picnic!
noralux: spring rolls, carrot, daikon, mint & spinach from the garden
noralux: homemade sushi
noralux: best picnic evah
noralux: south pond
noralux: lunch time! couscous and cranberries, m&l's dill pickles, turkey avocado kale sandwich, iced coffee with a dollop of coconut bliss ice cream
noralux: sweet potato green bean curry
noralux: yellow split pea soup with andouille sausage and rosemary garlic croutons
noralux: beautiful spinach from the garden
noralux: put in those croutons and spinach at the last moment!
noralux: oyster mushrooms matt found in the woods
noralux: perfect spore print
noralux: making vegan mushroom, potato, caper, roasted red pepper pizza
noralux: funghi pizza
noralux: joyous excitement
noralux: lunch again, don't even remember what this is, lentil curry? w/ runny egg. obvi.
noralux: we get the bird pecked strawberries
noralux: bratwurst, caramelized onions, lacto-ferment saurkraut, roasted potatoes