Nora Leah: The Science Barge
Nora Leah: DSC00106
Nora Leah: Solar panels
Nora Leah: Native grasses
Nora Leah: Wind turbines
Nora Leah: Compost
Nora Leah: Worms!
Nora Leah: Fish as bio filter
Nora Leah: Fish as bio filter
Nora Leah: Crawfish as Bio Filter
Nora Leah: Crawfish as Bio Filter
Nora Leah: Dead crawfish
Nora Leah: lettuce
Nora Leah: Vertical gardening - chives
Nora Leah: Vertical gardening
Nora Leah: Nutrient Film Technique
Nora Leah: Fly catcher
Nora Leah: Baby greens and older greens
Nora Leah: Yum!
Nora Leah: Plants are easily moved from one space to another as they mature
Nora Leah: Rain water collection
Nora Leah: cantaloupes
Nora Leah: Guide explains cantaloupes
Nora Leah: Tomatoes
Nora Leah: Tomatoes
Nora Leah: Cantaloupes & tomatoes
Nora Leah: Venus fly traps
Nora Leah: Venus fly traps