Nora Leah: Gena's already bored
Nora Leah: Let's make strudel!
Nora Leah: Flouring the sheet
Nora Leah: Strrreeettccchhhh....
Nora Leah: The bunny lamp
Nora Leah: On safari
Nora Leah: Observer
Nora Leah: Almost done
Nora Leah: Yadda yadda
Nora Leah: Mark w/ meat
Nora Leah: Demonstrating meat 'glue'
Nora Leah: PC288840
Nora Leah: Pound cake, etc
Nora Leah: Pound cake, etc
Nora Leah: Pound cake, etc
Nora Leah: Cathy making pineapple pie
Nora Leah: Creating food porn
Nora Leah: Strudel, stage-set
Nora Leah: Pablo at work
Nora Leah: Food styling
Nora Leah: PC288882
Nora Leah: Mayur reveals the secrets of vermouth
Nora Leah: Demo'ing
Nora Leah: Gena, Shelley, Liz
Nora Leah: Wtf?
Nora Leah: Like totally
Nora Leah: Heya
Nora Leah: I heart Photojojo
Nora Leah: Ronen: yum