Nora Leah: Making chocolate nests
Nora Leah: Messy!
Nora Leah: Searing topless
Nora Leah: Braising lamb shanks w/ wine & olives in (loose) homage to my nonna's Easter recipe. (Ours will end up in ravioli with rainbow chard.)
Nora Leah: The 2nd lamb
Nora Leah: He insists we need more lamb. I'm just going with it.
Nora Leah: Dyeing eggs
Nora Leah: Beet tart prep
Nora Leah: Happy Easter!
Nora Leah: Hiding (adult-themed) Easter eggs.
Nora Leah: Munchies
Nora Leah: Easter basket
Nora Leah: Chocolate birds' nest
Nora Leah: Lizard & egg
Nora Leah: Sweet things
Nora Leah: Chocolate birds' nests (w/ thanks to beautifulordinaire).
Nora Leah: Meyer Lemon Cake (with coconut "grass")
Nora Leah: Put on your Easter bonnet!
Nora Leah: Oscar serves Lindsay Beet & Chevre Tart
Nora Leah: Beet & Chevre Tart with Pecan-Carmelized Onion Spread & Arugula
Nora Leah: Akiko -- not cooking!
Nora Leah: Let's hurry it up here
Nora Leah: The peacock
Nora Leah: Jessica & Akiko in Easter bonnets
Nora Leah: Ronen, rather dubious
Nora Leah: Awww
Nora Leah: Michael must put up w/ the food blogger instinct
Nora Leah: Happy Easter darling!
Nora Leah: Get set, go!
Nora Leah: Lila on the hunt