Nora Leah: Americana / vote Obama.
Nora Leah: IMG02040.JPG
Nora Leah: An abandoned garden, dead tomatoes still on the vine, very Mrs Havesham. The house is for sale.
Nora Leah: Amen.
Nora Leah: Sham frickin wow.
Nora Leah: After breakin' laws in Wilkes Barre, they've sent us to Pittson.
Nora Leah: If you'd like to open a bank in Wilkes-Barre, you have yr choice of locations.
Nora Leah: I love the varied architecture styles of these early 20th century working people's row houses.
Nora Leah: If you're looking for someone to blame for the credit crunch, may I suggest the Masons?
Nora Leah: A little foliage will do ya.
Nora Leah: Figuring out our walk maps
Nora Leah: Johns.
Nora Leah: We're rescuing our 3rd kitten!
Nora Leah: Pit stop!
Nora Leah: Obama supporter on Kidder St. (This one's for you, Brett.)
Nora Leah: Wilkes is rockin out to some Bruce on the radio. Yes sir, that's my kitty!
Nora Leah: They say the meter maids are Obama supporters so this is our insurance against parking tickets.
Nora Leah: Just do it.
Nora Leah: Obamamobile.
Nora Leah: Jane's ready to yes we can
Nora Leah: DSC08866
Nora Leah: With Bill
Nora Leah: With Adam
Nora Leah: Trip to their new home
Nora Leah: DSC08858
Nora Leah: Where Coal & Carbon meet
Nora Leah: DSC08853